Take a trip down la voie de la mémoire with Emily
In this romantic comedy series produced by Darren Star, Lily Collins plays Emily, an ambitious twenty-something marketing executive from Chicago. She unexpectedly lands her dream job in Paris when her company acquires a French luxury marketing firm, and a love triangle ensues - you get the picture.
Netflix approached us for help bringing the show to life across social media with a très chic influencer campaign. The goal was to raise awareness of the show and drive tune-ins ahead of the October premiere.
Oh yeah, did I mention it was during the winter of the 2020 pandemic?
Leaning into the escapism of Paris, our 'Emily in Paris' campaign wasn’t afraid to poke fun at rom-com-loving audiences who have been cooped up at home, fantasizing about being abroad.
Inspired by the popular Travel #TBT content on Instagram, we partnered with a mix of travel and beauty influencers for a virtual trip down la voie de la mémoire — that’s Memory Lane in French — in content that positioned 'Emily in Paris' as an ideal escape from the otherwise mundane.
Seven partnering influencers created whimsical montages of photos and videos from past visits to Paris and shared these moments in Instagram carousels and Stories.
Quarantined fans were invested in seeing where the influencers went, what they did and how they fell in love with the city before moving on to the captions in which influencers encouraged followers to visit Paris from the safety of their own home by watching the new Netflix show Emily in Paris.
130% over-delivery on campaign goals